Friday, October 30, 2009

...And here we go again......

Yes, that's right. In a drunken stupor, I posted something and caught her attention. She messaged me and asked me if I wanted to talk. being drunk, I said yes. I used a friends account to talk with her...I knew if she added me , her hubby would Soooo find out and wanted to save her the trouble. Anyway, so far so good. I actually look forward to talking with her. I am so pathetic. Dozens of friends, and I wanna talk to her. God help me! Remember....this was all MY doing.......

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yeah, it's been a while.

And nothing new. And still, I think about her at least once a day. It's over...LONG over and still I'm obsessing. What the fuck is wrong with me? I know if I start talking to her again, what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go down that same old road again and again. It's gonna get ugly and nasty. And still.....for the life of me I wanna talk to her. I'm such a fool. And an ass. I can't believe I even entertain the idea, but I do.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Misanthropist n. One who hates or mistrusts mankind.

That's me. Why, you might ask? Well, let's see (Better get comfortable and fetch yourself a drink).......

From the time you are little, what happens? Kids tease you. I mean, the cute and cuddly future of our race can be the cruelest of our Species. Funny isn't it? At that age we can say things and inflict such damage on one another that it scarrs us for life. And the worst part is, we are so selfish we don't even realize what we've done.

We live to watch strife and conflict, the whole time claiming to abhor violence and warfare. What are the most popular shows? Reality TV. And everyone of them get ratings the same way Trash Journalism does. By seeing who gets shit on. Who doesn't get the rose. Who gets voted off. Who gets fired. The only Reality TV series with any dignity is "Extreme Makeover;Home Edition" . (This coming from a guy who Hates Ty Pettington!) But at least the show tries to do something good in the world!

What system of Government has created the biggest Superpower? Capitalism! The king of shit on my neighbor. Capitalism is based on screwing someone to make a profit. While communism, which struggles to make all men equal flounders and collapses! Karl Marks in his great Manifesto forgot the basic nature of Man.......we are greedy and take Sadistic pleasure in screwing our fellow man over. His Manifesto is like planning an ant colony on the ocean floor.

Man has an innate ability to derive pleasure from the pain and suffering of others. As a child, ever remember the class bully beating up the school nerd? Did you feel disgust for the bully or contempt for the nerd? Probably contempt for the nerd. You probably wanted to go up and stomp him into a bloody red pulp. Why? I believe we hate ourselves. We hate the submissive and weak side of our own nature and use the school Nerd as our personal whipping boy. In effect punishing ourselves. I believe Frued said something similar about policeman wanting to punish the world for their own perversions. (I wouldn't honestly know, I find Frued boring,long winded and to put it mildly, full of shit!)